PVC Water Stopper Jointing Procedure

Water stoppers are essential components in construction projects to prevent the infiltration of water and protect structures from potential damage. Deesawala Rubber Industries, a renowned name in the construction industry, has been a pioneer in manufacturing top-quality PVC water stoppers. In this blog post, we will walk you through the essential steps of jointing PVC water stoppers by Deesawala Rubber Industries.

Why Choose PVC Water Stoppers from Deesawala Rubber Industries?

Before delving into the Jointing Procedure, it’s important to understand why Deesawala Rubber Industries is a preferred choice when it comes to PVC water stoppers.

  1. Superior Quality: Deesawala Rubber Industries is committed to producing high-quality PVC water stoppers that are designed to withstand extreme environmental conditions. Their products are known for their durability and long-lasting performance.
  2. Customization: Deesawala Rubber Industries offers a wide range of water stoppers tailored to meet various project requirements. Their ability to customize products ensures that you get a solution that perfectly fits your needs.
  3. Expertise: With decades of experience, Deesawala Rubber Industries has mastered the art of rubber and PVC product manufacturing. Their knowledge and expertise in the field make them a reliable choice for water stopper solutions.


Jointing PVC Water Stoppers: Step-by-Step

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step procedure for jointing PVC water stoppers from Deesawala Rubber Industries:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials Before starting the jointing process, make sure you have all the necessary materials and tools ready. You will need the following:

  • PVC water stoppers from Deesawala Rubber Industries.
  • Solvent cement or PVC adhesive.
  • A clean cloth for wiping surfaces.
  • Protective gear, including gloves and safety glasses.

Step 2: Preparing the Surface Ensure that the surfaces you intend to join are clean, dry, and free from any contaminants. Use a clean cloth to wipe away any dirt, dust, or moisture that may be present. Proper surface preparation is crucial for a strong and lasting joint.

Step 3: Applying Solvent Cement

  • Apply a thin, even layer of solvent cement to both surfaces that you intend to join. Use a brush or applicator to ensure uniform coverage.
  • Be careful not to use excessive cement, as this can weaken the joint. Deesawala Rubber Industries’ water stoppers are designed to fit perfectly, so a little adhesive goes a long way.

Step 4: Assembling the Joint

  • Once solvent cement is applied, quickly assemble the PVC water stopper to the desired location.
  • Make sure the joint is tight and that there is no movement or separation during the curing process.
  • Hold the joint together for a few minutes to allow the solvent cement to set.

Step 5: Curing Time

  • The curing time for the joint may vary depending on the environmental conditions and the type of solvent cement used. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for curing time.
  • Avoid any disturbance or stress on the joint during this period.

Step 6: Inspection

  • After the joint has fully cured, inspect it to ensure there are no visible defects or weak spots.
  • Ensure that the joint is watertight and can effectively prevent water infiltration.

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is a PVC water stopper, and why is it important in construction? A1 :  A PVC water stopper is a vital construction material used to prevent the infiltration of water into structures. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding building foundations and preventing water-related damage.

Q2: Why choose PVC water stoppers from Deesawala Rubber Industries? A2 : Deesawala Rubber Industries is known for its commitment to superior quality and extensive industry expertise. Their products are durable, customizable, and designed to withstand challenging environmental conditions.

Q3: What materials and tools are needed for jointing PVC water stoppers? A3 : You’ll need PVC water stoppers from Deesawala Rubber Industries, solvent cement or PVC adhesive, a clean cloth for surface preparation, and personal protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses.

Q4: How do I prepare the surface for jointing PVC water stoppers? A4 : Ensure the surfaces are clean, dry, and free from contaminants. Wipe away dirt, dust, or moisture using a clean cloth. Proper surface preparation is essential for a strong and lasting joint.

Q5: What type of adhesive should I use for jointing PVC water stoppers? A5 : You should use solvent cement or PVC adhesive specifically designed for PVC materials. Deesawala Rubber Industries may provide recommendations for compatible adhesives.


Deesawala Rubber Industries is a trusted provider of high-quality PVC water stoppers, and their jointing procedure is straightforward and effective. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a secure and durable joint that will protect your construction projects from water damage. When it comes to water stoppers, Deesawala Rubber Industries sets a standard of excellence that the construction industry relies on.

For more details please call: +91-8447825453, Email: murtaza@deesawalarubber.com

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